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You can enter multiple addresses for each person or family in your database. When you click


To enter or edit an address:


1.Open the Edit Person dialog click the "Address" button, or highlight a person in any of the navigation views and click on the "Address" icon in the toolbar, and select "Person" or "Family" from the drop down list.

2.In the Address dialog, you will see a place for both a primary and a secondary address. You can also select which of the person's addresses you want to edit (their individual addresses, or family addresses). Options for either include:

oEdit address – Click this button to either add a new address or edit the address. You can enter the basic address information, including name, street, city, state, postal code, and country. You can also enter phone and fax numbers, as well as email addresses and website URL’s. There is even an area for notes.

oSelect address from list – This button opens up the address list to select an address. It could be an address you have already entered, or you can enter a new address and select it.

oClear address – Clears the currently entered address.

oWrite Email – If you have an email address entered, this button opens your email program and prepares to send an email to that address.

oVisit website – If you have entered a website URL, this button opens that website in your browser.

3.Click "OK" to save new addresses added, or click "Cancel" to discard any added addresses. Note that Cancel does not erase an address entered in Add New Address dialog, it just doesn't keep the address connected to a person or couple.


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