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What's New in RootsMagic 10

What's New in RootsMagic 10

DNA Matches

Easily track DNA matches for any person

Track test service, date, shared centimorgans, shared %, and more

Include notes for any DNA match

Keep track of user names from provider for each match

View tree relationships and DNA predicted relationships side by side

Leeds Method report for DNA clustering

DNA Kinship list shows all relationships to a start person (both tree relationship and predicted DNA relationship)

Health History

Track unlimited health conditions (illness, disease, accidents) for each person

Customizable Family Health History report shows health conditions for a person and all immediate family members

Health Conditions list shows any group of people who share the same health condition

Enhanced Searching

Advanced search now includes searching by family line, genetics, individual, or family

Criteria group rules now includes searching by family line, genetics, individual, or family

Can save (and reuse) full advanced search and criteria groups with new search rules

Advanced couple list search lets you search on both husband and wife simultaneously

Search on # of shared facts

Search on proof for facts (and Any fact)

Updated Help System

Context sensitive help lets you press F1 to get help on whatever you are doing

Help can be accessed either online or local on your computer

Simplified Group Access

Add, edit, or delete a group directly from the Groups side panel

Directly refresh any "saved rules" group directly from the Groups side panel

Printing and Reports

Family Health History report

DNA Kinship report

Leeds Method report for DNA clustering

Health Conditions list shows any group of people who share the same health condition

Kinship List includes option to filter which people to include (everyone, list, or group)

New Tools

Globally add a fact to everyone in a group

Copy a person's fact to one or more other people

Move a person's fact to another person

Ease of Use

Copy a book in Publisher

Quickly hide / show the folder list on the Tasks page

More viewable lists in Enhanced Properties

Lists from the Enhanced Properties can now be printed

Lists of unused records (places, citations, etc) from the Enhanced Properties now allow you to delete

Enhanced capabilities when adding a shared fact

Find Everywhere now supports saving or printing results

Quickly switch between color code sets from any view


Optionally display surname before given names (for an individual name) for certain cultures

Import Lists lets you select specific records to import from the other file

Sort basic or advanced search results by any column displayed

Half relationship support in relationship calculator, set relationships, relationship chart, kinship list, DNA kinship list, and DNA view

Citation quality now supports Source:Authored and Information:Undetermined

Numerous minor enhancements


What's New in RootsMagic 9

What's New in RootsMagic 9


Add non-relative relationships to your database (friends, neighbors, etc.)

Create customized association types

Fully document associations (notes, sources, media)

Include associations in your research tasks

List of all associations in your file

Optionally display associations in each person's edit screen (along with other facts)

Special reports showing how unrelated people may be connected through other people

Include associations in standard reports (narrative, group sheet, etc.)

Enhanced Color Coding

Use and easily switch between up to 10 different color code sets

Name (label) each color code set ("Wars", "Ancestral Lines", etc.)

Label the colors in each color code set ("Revolutionary", "Civil", "WWI", "WWII", etc.)

Hover over color in pedigree and family view to see the color names

New Tools

Commonly used tools together in new Tools list

Automatically rearrange children in all families at once

Automatically rearrange spouses of every person at once

Delete a selected group of people

Globally change a fact type

Globally delete a fact type

Combine groups based on different criteria

Enhanced property list lets you see database statistics at a deeper level

Individual Media Album

View all media for a person in one location (individual, family, event, citation)

Filter media by event, citation, caption, description, and more

Sort media items for each event, citation, etc.

New Note Editor with Spell Check

Improved performance when editing notes

Spell check using the operating systems built-in spell engine

Select default spell check dictionary language

Printing and Reports

Option to sort Kinship List by relationship

Color code support in "On This Day" report


Advanced search criteria can now be saved for re-use

Search and Replace now supports source name, text, comments; citation name, text, comments; task name, details and results

Task filters can now be saved for re-use

Ease of Use

Add, edit, and delete items directly from the "Used" lists for sources, citations, tasks, media, etc.

Option to search for exact matches in most lists

Jump directly to FamilySearch or Ancestry for selected person in Person views

Added Family List to side panel


New 64 bit Windows support

Create HTML websites for upload to your own server

Groups can now be either free-form or saved criteria



What's New in RootsMagic 8

What's New in RootsMagic 8

General Features

Complete rewrite to work with the latest genealogical technologies and create a foundation for future functionality

Runs under Windows 7 (SP1+), Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11 (future)

Native MacOS support

Run RootsMagic directly from a flash drive on Windows, Mac, or both

Open databases in separate windows to support multiple monitors

Easily switch between open databases with a single keystroke

Ease of Use

Command Palette displays an alphabetical list of commands which you can select from to run directly

Home page dashboard (news, files properties, recent files, etc)


Couple view

Expand and collapse generations on descendant view

Easily switch between different data views (sources, places, tasks, media, etc) without losing your place in those views


Open multiple edit person screens at same time

Edit screens can remain open while you switch back to the main program to do other things

View immediate family members directly from a person's edit screen (timeline)

Switch directly to the edit screen of any family member and then instantly switch back

Access other data lists (sources, places, tasks, media, etc) w/o having to close Edit Person screen(s) first

Live edit for other data types: sources, citations, places, tasks, media, addresses, and more

Live hyperlinks inside notes

Create custom Father and Mother labels.


Basic, Advanced, WebSearch, Find Everywhere grouped together in an easy to find

Search displays list of matching records (rather than making you step through matches)

Edit or jump to any person in the search results, then return without having to redo the search

Printing and Reports

New report and charting engine

Fan charts

Save wall charts to PDF

Save reports directly to .DOCX, .XLSX, and other formats

Photos on Pedigree view and Family view individuals

Sources and Citations

Reusable citations let you create a citation once and then attach it to multiple people or events

View uses of sources / citations directly from source / citation list


Create tasks to track things to do, completed research, etc

Track dates, goals, results, priority, status, and more

Any task can be attached to multiple people

Tasks can be attached directly to source or citation records

Tasks can be attached to multiple media, addresses, or repositories

Tasks can be filtered by any combination of data, people, families, events, places, place details, names, sources, citations, addresses, repositories, media, or folders

Quickly filter tasks by repository, address, media, source, citation, place, or person

Places and Mapping

Reversible place list

View where a place is used directly on screen

Directly edit a person using a place in place list or mapping

Map any group of people (not limited to immediate family anymore)


More colors for color coding

Quickly view, add or remove people from multiple groups at once

Relative media paths

Slide in workflow



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