The Address Page provides lists of both addresses and repositories entered into the database. Addresses and Repositories can be attached to various records within your database.
Address View
The Address list provides a list of addresses entered into the database. These can be associated with individuals or couples (families) entered in the database, or they can be addresses entered for people, institutions or groups not entered into the database. (Addresses not assigned to people can only be printed out when all addresses are printed.)

Repository View
The Repository list provides a list of repositories entered into the database. While you add and edit repositories exactly the same as addresses, repositories are usually used for locations where source records are found. It can also include entries for places you may not have a physical address for, like FamilySearch or Ancestry.
A source can have multiple repositories, since a record may be available in more than one location.

Click to open the Repository list panel to see and edit all the repositories attached to the source

See Also
•Working With Addresses and Repositories
•Adding an Address or Repository
•Editing an Address or Repository