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To create a new database

1.Select the File page, then click Create a New RootsMagic file.

2.If you do not already have a file open, you can also select the Home page, then click New File.


Create an empty file

This will create an empty RootsMagic file.


1.Select the folder where you want to create the file

2.Enter a file name and click Save

3.Choose the options for the new file and click OK


Import from another program

This will create a RootsMagic file and import data from another program into it.


1.Select what program to import data from:

oWindows version imports: RootsMagic 1-7, Family Origins, Family Tree Maker (2014 and earlier), Legacy Family Tree, Personal Ancestral File (PAF), The Master Genealogist, or GEDCOM.

oMac version imports: RootsMagic 4-7, or GEDCOM

2.Select the file to import

3.Select the folder where you want to create the RootsMagic file

4.Enter a name for the RootsMagic file

5.Choose the options for the new RootsMagic file and click OK


Download from an online tree

This will create a RootsMagic file and import data from either FamilySearch or Ancestry.


1.Choose whether to import from Ancestry or FamilySearch

2.Select the folder where you want to create the RootsMagic file

3.Enter a name for the RootsMagic file

4.Choose the options for the new RootsMagic file and click OK

5.Sign in to either Ancestry or FamilySearch to begin the import.


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