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Some reports and charts allow you to print boxes around information. The Border Style dialog lets you choose the format of these borders.




Border Type – Choose the style of border from the list. The display to the right of the list will show you what the border will look like.


Single line

Double line

Rounded corners

Indented corners

Fancy frame 1

Fancy frame 2

Corners only

Double corners

Horizontal lines

Vertical lines

Fill color – Click this button to select the color for the inside of the box.

Line color – Click this button to select the line color for the box.

Line width - Select the width of the box border

Corner Size - Choose the amount of rounding for rounded corners

Margins - Select the margins around the border

Shadow – Mark this checkbox if you want the border to have a drop shadow.

Color – Select the color for the shadow.

Offset – Select an offset for the shadow


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