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The Fan chart displays a starting person and their direct ancestors (parents, grandparents, great grandparents, etc) in a fan (circular) format. You can customize the layout, style and many other aspects of the chart.




Person - Select the starting person for the chart

Ancestor generations - Select the number of generations for the chart

Shape - Select the shape of the fan chart

o1/4 circle

o1/3 circle

o1/2 circle


oFull circle

Orientation - Choose the direct the chart moves from the starting person

oLeft to right

oRight to left

oTop to bottom

oBottom to top

Generation widths - Enter the width of each generation for the chart

Vertical margin

Horizontal margin

Layout - Enter the layout of the chart.

oBest size - Check this box to automatically size the page to fit the chart. If you uncheck this option, you will be asked to enter:

Paper size



Orientation (portrait or landscape)

oMargins - Enter the top, bottom, left, and right margins around the chart elements

oBackground - You can select a color (or no color) for the background, or select an image file which will be used as the background


There are other settings (colors and styles) which are described here.


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