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Lets you select options for the WebHints. Click the WebHints checkbox to enable the WebHint feature. The options will be different for each different record provider.





Click the Ancestry checkbox to enable hints. You must be logged into Ancestry to see the hints.  You can log in by clicking the Ancestry icon at the bottom of the main side menu.

Other options for Ancestry WebHints are:

Record Hints - Show "record" hints

Member Tree Hints - Show "other member tree" hints

Photo/Story Hints - Show "photo and story" hints

Color code - Show color coding in the TreeShare list

Domain - Select the domain RootsMagic uses when clicking "Show on Ancestry"

Clear on accept - Automatically remove the person from the "Changed" list in TreeShare after accepting the changes

Disconnect from Ancestry Tree - Disconnects the current RootsMagic file from the Ancestry Tree. IMPORTANT NOTE: This cannot be undone. If you want to reconnect RootsMagic to Ancestry you will need to either 1) upload your RootsMagic file to a new Ancestry Tree, 2) download your Ancestry Tree into a NEW RootsMagic file, or 3) restore an earlier backup that retains the connection to the Ancestry Tree.

Reset TreeShare - This will cause RootsMagic to rebuild the links to your Ancestry Tree. With a large Ancestry Tree this can take a long time.



Click the FamilySearch checkbox to enable hints. You must be logged into FamilySearch to see the hints.  You can log in by clicking the FamilySearch icon at the bottom of the main side menu.



Click the FindMyPast checkbox to enable hints. There are no additional options for FindMyPast.



Click the MyHeritage checkbox to enable hints. Other options for MyHeritage WebHints are:


Record matches - Show record matches (historical records)

Smart matches - Show Smart Matches (trees)

User email - Your MyHeritage email. This can help filter out your own MyHeritage tree hints

Confidence - How high of a confidence do you want for matches


For more information see: WebHints


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