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The citation is a written description of where in the source the information for a particular fact came from. It will include information from the source itself, as well as additional details telling where in the source the information is located. For example, if you are trying to document a person's birth and your source was a book, the citation would include the source information (title, author, publisher) plus additional information such as the page number where the person's birth was mentioned.


The citation can be printed in reports and can take 3 different forms:


1.Footnote - this is the standard citation form which will be printed in reports. It can be printed at the bottom of the page where it is used, or as an "endnote" at the end of a report.

2.Short Footnote - this is a short version of the citation which can be printed in reports if the citation has previously be printed. It can be printed at the bottom of a page or at the end of a report the same as the standard footnote.

3.Bibliography - this is a special version of the citation which only prints once per report (at the end of the report) no matter how many times it is used. Bibliography entries are printed alphabetically.


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