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To generate files for a website:


1.Select "Publish > HTML Website" from the menu.

2.The next 3 pages of the wizard are simply asking you to decide what information you want to publish.  Just choose the options you want on each page and click the Next button to move to the next page.


I.Project name - This is just the name RootsMagic will use for the folder on your hard drive to save the initial website to.

II.Project folder - This is the folder RootsMagic will put the project folder in.

III.Include everyone in my file - This determines whether RootsMagic includes everyone in your file on the website, or if it will let you select which people to include.

IV.Date format - Choose what format you want the website to display dates in.

V.Title on home page - The title to put at the top of the home page.  This will also be used for the <title> tag on all pages of the site.

VI.Introduction - Enter the text you want printed on your home page. Since this is a note field, you can use the various RootsMagic formatting codes, as well as using Ctrl+O to open a file and import the contents, or Ctrl+S to save the contents to file.

VII.Picture for home page - If you want a picture on your home page, select it here.

VIII.Contact information - Enter your name and address where you would like others to contact you.  Make sure you really want this information public before you enter your address here.

IX.Email address - Enter your e-mail address so that visitors to your site can send you e-mail with a single click.  The contact information and email address will be available to visitors from any page of your site.

X.Include - Mark the check boxes to indicate whether you want to include notes, photos, sources or a GEDCOM file for others to download.

XI.Privacy - You can select whether you want information about living relatives displayed on the website. If you choose to privatize living people, there are several levels of privatization to choose from.  You can choose to include the full name of living people, or just the word "Living".  You can also choose how much (if any) information to display for facts in living peoples lives.  And finally, you can choose whether to include facts or notes you have marked as private.

XII.Links to other websites - You can enter up to ten links to other websites on the front page of the website. Enter the URL and a description of the link.


3.After the third page of options, click the "Generate site" button to have RootsMagic create the files for your website.  If you had unmarked the checkbox to "Include everyone in my file", RootsMagic will bring up the selection screen first to let you choose which people to include on your website.  After you have generated the files for the site the first time, RootsMagic will prompt you if you want to overwrite those files each time you re-generate the site.



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