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MyRootsMagic is a free account for RootsMagic users which lets you publish your family tree(s) online. To begin working with MyRootsMagic, select the Publish page, then select MyRootsMagic.


MyRootsMagic Screen




Click the "Sign In or Create Account" button to get started. If you have not created an account yet, click the "Create an account" link and enter your email and a desired login. RootsMagic will create the account and then let you log in. Once you have logged in you will see a list of any trees you have published




From this screen you can:


1.publish a new tree by clicking "click to publish a new website".

2.view any tree by clicking the arrow

3.change the settings on your tree (such as title, description, tree password, etc) by clicking the gears

4.refresh the data for your tree by reuploading your database

5.delete your tree

6.change your account settings by clicking the settings button. you can log into your online account page, change your email or password, or delete your account.


Publishing a New Tree

When you click to publish a new tree, RootsMagic will step through the following Wizard to collect a little information. It will then publish your tree to MyRootsMagic and display it in your list of trees.





The Tree Name is what will be used for your domain name. If you enter Sample for your tree name, your website address will be

The Tree Description is just a short descriptive name for your own use.

While your entire database is uploaded to the server, you can choose who will be displayed using the filtering options (and the privatizing options mentioned later). You can either hide people in groups, or show only people in groups. Groups. You can also choose whether to have MyRootsMagic include a help screen for visitors, and what date format your tree should use.




The next screen lets you select options for the design of your tree's home page.




And finally you can choose what information to include in your online tree. Don't worry if you forget something. You can always adjust these settings later without having to re-upload your file.




1.200MB limit on website hosting

2.Limit of 15 views created per site

3.URLs are case sensitive

4.Tree names can have lowercase and uppercase letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens. No other characters. No spaces.


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