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The topics in this section provide some basic information about Rootsmagic, what it is for, and what you can do with it.


How to get started

Download and install RootsMagic

Review the section The RootsMagic Interface to familiarize yourself with the program.

If you are importing data from other programs (like RootsMagic 1-7, GEDCOM, PAF, Legacy, FTM, TMG, or Family Origins) see the topic Importing Files.

See Setting up RootsMagic Your Way for setting database and program options


When you exit RootsMagic, you are prompted to backup the current database or all open databases. However, if you close a database from within RootsMagic, the program does not automatically backup the database before closing it. Therefore, before you close a database from within RootsMagic, you must initiate the backup yourself by selecting "File, Backup" from the main menu, if you want to create a backup (and you should.)


The Basics – Working with databases

Creating a new database

Opening a database

Renaming a database

Deleting a database

Copying a database

Database Tools

Backing up a database

Copying people between databases


The Display – What everything on the screen is for

Main screen

Home Page

File Page

People Page

Places Page

Sources Page

Media Page

Tasks Page

Addresses Page

Publish Page

Tools Page

Settings Page


People – Adding, editing, and manipulating them

Adding people to your database

Editing people

Deleting people

Unlinking people

Arranging the order of spouses

Arranging the order of children

Swapping spouses


Searching – How to find people and other information

RootsMagic Explorer

Family list

Find Everywhere





Sources – Documenting your information


Source list

Creating Source templates


Pictures – Working with multimedia


Editing Media


Printing – Creating reports, lists, and charts

Pedigree chart

Family group sheet

Narrative reports

Box chart reports

Individual summary


Wall charts

Relationship chart


Address Labels



Address list


Association List (Individual)

Association List (Relationship)

Birthday and Anniversary list

Descendant list

DNA Kinship list

Duplicate list

Fact type list

Health Conditions List

Individual list

Kinship list

LDS list

Marriage list

Multimedia list

Place list

Repository list

Source list

Task list

Timeline list


Sharing data – Transferring data between different programs

Importing files from other programs

Importing a GEDCOM file

Creating a GEDCOM file



Tools List

Find problems in your data

Date calculator

Relationship calculator

Soundex calculator

Search and replace

Count trees in database



Research Tools

Task List

Research Logs

Research Notes Report

Tagging people, sources, etc. to online websites

Ancestry TreeShare



Other features

Publishing your family online

Setting program options

Merging duplicate people


LDS Support

Entering LDS information

Printing LDS information

Accessing FamilySearch Central

Finding Matches on FamilySearch

Viewing and reserving ordinances

Copying info between RootsMagic and FamilySearch


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